Monday, December 8, 2014

A Fellow Photographer - Portrait of a Stranger

F-Stop: f/11.0
Shutter Speed: 1/80
ISO: 1600

This is my portrait of a stranger. I did not get her name but we had a nice five minute conversation about photographer. I asked her what she was photographing and she replied "What ever catches my eye..." I told her about my project studying a photographer in depth and she seemed really interested in Cole Thompson just like me. I recommended that she look him up and she wished me luck in the rest of  my shooting that night. It was a surprisingly pleasant experience because I had expected many more rejections or mean people but she was the first person I asked and I got a great portrait of her while we talked.

I used a high ISO because it was cloudy outside and I used a shutter speed higher than 1/60 so I wouldn't have an camera shake, because I was shooting hand held. The aperture was relatively high because I thought the detail of the bridge and the mountain in the background should be included.

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