Friday, November 7, 2014

Splash Splash Splash - Multiple Flash Shot

F-Stop: f/16.0
Shutter Speed: 10.0
ISO: 1600

These multiple flash photos were done in the style of Harold "Doc" Edgerton. Using a 10 second long shutter speed, I was able to drop the ball on the far left and flash to take a picture, then pick it up again and repeat the same process for the middle and far right of the tank. This allows me to freeze the action of the splash of three separate droppings of the ball, all in one picture. I had around 20 shots using this technique and I chose my three favorites. I tried to capture, sequentially, the ball entering the water. Thus there is a clearly shown progression of the splash. The only edits I applied were to crop out the light visible on the right side and to reduce some super bright areas caused by the light. These simple edits allowed the splashes to be seen much more clearly.

1 comment:

  1. These are really awesome! I really like how you use your extra time to do cool things like this and to push the expectations. The fact that you did three of these and they are all sequence shots is just amazing. Keep up the great work Mitchaque!
