Shutter Speed: 1/25
ISO: 100
I took this picture on a rainy day around 2 p.m. It was very overcast so the lighting was very gloomy and moody. I took this picture looking up a slope on the side of a river bank. The camera is slightly tilted but it is generally parallel to the line on the top of the slope. Because of the low aperture setting, only the cairn in the front is in focus and everything else has a slight blur to it.
The cairn in the foreground is actually standing relatively straight up, but because of the angle and slant of the camera it appears like it is about to fall over. It is slanted though, because it comparison to the cairn in the background it looks very titled. The cairn in the background is perfectly vertical, so it gives an odd contrast between the two. Both the cairns are titled slightly inward towards the center so it draws eys backwards.
Using camera raw I enhanced the already moody lighting by adding a cool, blue effect. I sharpened the contrast and tried to highlight the fact that everything was wet and had a slight sheen to it. The effect of the water and wetness adds an almost surreal effect to the picture. I didn't edit it with the intent of this effect because a large part of it is just the natural composition.
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