Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bridge - Line

F-Stop: f/3.5
Shutter Speed: 1/200
ISO: 3200
This photo of a covered bridge represents line. I had my ISO set on high 1 or 3200 because daylight was fading and I couldn't get an even exposure with anything under it. The photo is a little grainy because of the high ISO and low light levels, so I decided to apply a grey scale to it. I brightened up the photo a little and added more sharpness and clarity to it to offset the high ISO and crappy lighting.

The element of line was present in all my photos but this photo captured many different examples of line. There are the literally lines of the beams leading your through the bridge, diagonal lines creating the diamond windows, horizontal support beams. The "light at the end of the tunnel" effect also draws your attention through the bridge along all the lines.


  1. This is an awesome picture! I really like how you gave it kind of an old feeling with making it black and white. This is a great picture to represent line because there are lines everywhere! Great job, keep it up!
